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Hyper Plastics

We deal in the manufacture polyester-glass laminates (PS. Eng. GRP, Ger. GFK -) for the transport, bus, railway, agricultural industry, as well as the production of components for construction, playgrounds and fishing boats.

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Hyper Plastics

We deal in the manufacture polyester-glass laminates (PS. Eng. GRP, Ger. GFK -) for the transport, bus, railway, agricultural industry, as well as the production of components for construction, playgrounds and fishing boats.



Hyper Plastics s.c. G.Biś, P.Biś,

Spółdzielcza 29, 72-010 Police, Poland


NIP / VAT NR: 8513178813

REGON: 321576740

Piotr Biś +48 608 492 865

Grzegorz Biś +48 502 062 524

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